went t macpherson's moral family care centre (i think. hoho. ive no idea!) for YEP Trip's Pre CIP Trip. yep. the kids there are really cute okayy!! this boy sitting in front of me and jer is damn cute. hahaha! we were like trying t ask him whats his name. he just kept quiet and am-chio (smile sheepishly). when we tickled him he also am-chio. hahaha!! damn cute man. he finally replied "Lester." hahaha! and he's only six years old but he's sooooo small.
he has a dimple!! still act shy when jer and i asked him stuff. hahaha!! think Lester is really damn cute. cos after taking pics of him, he wanted t look at the pics. i showed him how t use the cam. he kept looking at his pics la. damn cute can.
poor alyssa. she was damn tired after the first group of kids. FIRST only okayy. there were 5 groups. *faints*
hahaha! overall it was fun. but i think its not just having fun or what. it trains your patience. (: like jerina tan zi hua!
WOW~~~ HAHAHA!! but like what kar wei said, when adults are with kids or people with special needs, it really shows your character, patience and weaknesses. yep. interacting w kids makes me feel like wanting to be a kid all over again. hahaha. okayy this sounds silly and cheesy and whatever BUT i think when they smile, they look really happy. it comes from within. and it puts you at ease. and you feel happy too. (:
tan pei yen came to NUS today! :D hahaha!! my physics buddy in TJ. yep. i think jerina is like super amused by py. hahaha. cos when he reached, we were at macs eating. cos he just came out of camp, he ordered like two cheeseburgers for brunch. wth man. py is a bigeater. hahaha!! yep. anw he's still as crappy as before. miss the TJ days man! w daryl, chris, ryan, tommy & dearest rachel!! hahaha. all of us must meet up together one fine day man! seriously.
finally played tennis! :D with jer. yep. then went ion and wisma. suposedly we were going t ask for applicaton form from cotton on but we ended up shopping. zzzzzzz. seriously. hahaha! need t control man. hahaha. went t meet family later t have dinner at botan! :D
okayy. lately ive been sleeping rather late cos theres a lot of stuff. catching up with work and sch related things, projects (thank goodness left BSP only! phew!)recently, been a bit irritated w some people actually. but like what daryl says, you cant stop stupid people from doing stupid things. so yep. not gonna get bothered by it. ((:
two more weeks to finals...