my wallpaper right now! hahaha. taken with my digi cam. ((: hahaha. i love the store in ps that sells lots of colourful papers. cos pretty papers make me happy! hahaha!! well, im sure everyone does too. ((:
anyway when i wanted to take pic with my fat lense cam, i couldnt press down the button completely. so i went to this film shop.
me: auntie, i think my camera is spoilt
auntie: have you finished the film?
me: no. im left with a lot actually
auntie: no choice you have to roll up the film first
me: huh??? but im left with 360 film
auntie: maximum only 36. what 360?
me: my film has 400 shots
auntie: its 400 ISO, NOT 400 shots.
=.= zoooooooomygoodnessssssssssss. i think its cos i havent use the film kind for soooo longgg. so embarrassing luuuh. hahaha!! grah!! hahaha. oh btw 'grah' is fierce! hahaha!!
the whole day i was like carrying my camera around taking pics. man, im really hooked on lomography. hahaha. im interested in photography for a loooongggggg time but i guess lomography is more interesting and unique. because of the camera's imperfections, the pictures will have special effects. (:
took this on the third day of cny. ((:
first batch of pictures coming out tomorrow! cant wait! :D