23 march, tuesday:
took cab to school. it was raining heavily la. and i slept at 4am! wth right. hahaha. woke up at like 7 plus. then i realised i was going t be late for bsp meeting. hahaha. went to redhill taxi stand. i waited 30 mins for a cab la! zomg. grah! hahaha. oh oh! guess who i saw after ssa lecture?? dearest rachel and yimin!! :D hahaha. actually i didnt recognise them when they were walking towards the bus stop. then when we three realised, we were like OMG!!! hahaha!! crazy luhh. They were telling me about their Japanese module's lecturer who looks like Jim Carrey. hahaha. and rach was like gushing over him. =.= hahaha!! talking about japanese makes me feel like learning that language again! they said ive lost weight. yeah. hahaha. i told them im officially below 45 kg. rach was like I WANNA BE IN ENGIN TOO! silly girl! losing weight is unhealthy! anw they were saying that my hair is kira kira (shiny). and i happened t wear my grey P.O.A. shirt which at the back says kira kira! hahaha!! rach was like OMG! was a great catching up with each other on the way back home! :D
24 march, wednesday:
had doctor's appointment in the morning. travelled to novena that area. i think walking around office districts during early morning is really cool. as in you just feel like you have lots of freedom. yep. anw went back t sch t help out with the Cambodia Trip's Fund Raising. okayy. cos i havent seen how the plastic shrink, so when Kar Wei showed it t me, i was like panicking "EH!!! why did it go out of shape?? its crumpling!!" he was like "relax la! hahaha! lazy right? never do before" hahaha! whateverr man. from 2 to 6pm onwards, basically jer and i were in charge of the stall. damn funny. slacked around while kar wei's doing his work. both jer and i think that he's damn aunty la. very amused by him.
25 march, thursday:
went to meet mummy in town after lectures. yep. oh! i have t say i lurve sun moulin's egg tarts! hahaha! love them when they are in this pretty pink papercups. i love egg tarts! yumyumm!! :D hahaha. i think their tarts are just right, not t soft/crispy kind. the egg custard too! :D hahaha. and i want t watch diary of a wimpy kid. looks cute and funny man. oh. read this ssa reading. was quite amused by what former pm goh c.t. noted about Singaporeans. "Life is not complete without shopping." :D oh so true!
26 march, friday:
went t help out with the fund raising again. omg. they made me, jer and yanling carried one big oven, 2 bags of materials, 2 big cardboards and one box of test tubes from temasek hall all the way t science. damn heavy okayy! jer nearly fell down when the bus moved off. the ah tiong behind was like omg dont fall on me. and he was like laughing la. so bad! hahaha. anw i was trying t switch on the oven by plugging it t the canteen's switch. anw!!!! when i switched on, the whole canteen's lights and fans turned off!! crapzxzxzxzxz. everyone stared at me la!!! WTH MAN! so embarrassing i tell you! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! yeah. grrrrrrrrrrr. after our slots, jer and i went t buy ripples slippers. kar wei followed us too cos its on his way t temasek hall t get the other oven. anw i think jer took damn long t choose, he was like "girls are girls. take damn long t shop". hahaha!! oh! intro sth! this is indian bird! hahaha. thats what sheryan and i call them. damn cute right, the way it walks.