We were walking in town, then we saw this shirt in Topman!!
We were sooooooo tempted to get Daryl this shirt for his birthday cos we think he looks like Mr Potato!! :D Hahaha!! The nickname I gave him since TJ. Hahaha. But his birthday is like farr farr awayy so yupz. Hahaha.
Went to taka basement's ajisen for dinner. Oh yeah! I highlighted my hair light brown. Now I look like some chao ah lian, serious!! Hahaha! my chao ah lian hair. Hahaha. Even Aaron thinks that my hair is ah lian. And I think I'm like some redhead now. Okayy. Maybe not RED but like orange. Hahaha. Under white light its seriously sparklingz. Hahaha!! Oh wells. I should just embrace my new look yo! And be a chao ah lian while I can! Woots~! Hahaha!!
Say "Hello!" to Chris!! Hahaha!! I never post the unglam one up! :D
Went to kino afterwards to get Rach's remaining present!! :D I haven't been reading books man. :S *guilty* Hahaha!! Feel like getting some Astrology or Greek Mythology. Ever since the GEK star-gazing session, I'm like very interested in these two topics. :D Yep. Hahaha. Okayy. I think I shouldnt go to the stationary section cos I'll be very tempted to buy ALL the nice nice notebooks there, especially those made of recycled paper. Hahaha.
Whoo~ Just when mid terms are over, have to chiong the rest of the homework already! Yupz. Jiayou jiayou! Wed and fri tennis!! Cant wait!!! Bring it on yo!! :D:D:D